
Friday, November 19, 2010

Wanna Play?

I often hear the question ," What does my baby want to do?"  Well have no fear! I have the answers right here! Well, a few anyways. I hope these will give you some ideas of what you can do to entertain your little one.

At this age your baby will mostly enjoy looking at you and listening to you. You can take this time to make some silly (not scary!) faces for your newborn. Also high pitch sounds or "baby talk" will always spark your newborns interest. So try reading a book in a fun silly voice and watch your newborn perk up with curiosity!

3-6 months of age:
*Tummy time and back time are always a hit! (some don't like tummy time, thats fine to!) You can use a tummy mat, a boppy pillow, or a soft blanket. Gather up some toys and get those imaginations going!
*Rolling! Your baby is going to learn to roll in this time period. Play with your little one and encourage him/her to roll.
*Smells! Your little ones nose (sense of smell) is stronger than you might think. Get out some spices from the kitchen and let your little one take a sniff of a few. It's always fun to watch their faces! Stay away from scents to strong or harsh such as pepper.
*Get out the pots and pans! Your little one is going to LOVE playing the drums on these! You might opt for the plastic bowls and spoons rather than the metal.
*Board books are great at this age. They can put it in their mouths and toss it across the room with minimal damage!
*Almost any toy that lights up and has sounds will be a hit at this age!

6-12 months of age:
*Clapping! Your baby's motor skills are getting better by the day! Put those hands together and celebrate!
*Peek-a-boo is always fun at this age. You can hide behind your hands and pop out and say peek-a-boo! The biggest hit at our house though was using a blanket. Hide under the blanket and then pop out and say peek-a-boo! Then gently toss the blanket over baby and have baby surprise you!
*Finger puppets can be very entertaining for both baby and mom!
*Bird watching was always a nice quiet past time for me, but with baby along it was amazing! You'll be watching your baby's excitement from now on and not the birds!

What does your baby enjoy?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Introducing Solids To Baby

Your baby will be ready for solids around 6 months of age. Introducing solids to your baby is a huge milestone to reach, but how do you know when your baby is ready? There are several things that you can look for to determine this:
*Good head control
*Able to sit up, unsupported
*Growing appetite, milk/formula alone doesn't seem to be doing the trick anymore.
*Signs of curiosity in your food

If you think your baby is ready and have spoken with your pediatrician, then you can go on and try to give solids. The general rule is only one new solid every week to check for food allergies. The most common food to start with is rice cereal. Just give a teaspoon or two after the bottle. Mix the cereal with breast milk or formula. This will help introduce your baby to new textures. To start only do this once a day until you feel your baby is ready for more.
Even though your baby has started solids, most of your babies nutrition will still come from breast milk or formula. So it's important to stay on schedule with those feeding. Good luck and remember to take your time and follow baby's lead!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Baby Gear Must Haves!

I'm always asked "What item do you feel you really needed and glad you had"? I can't name just one so I'll make a short list of the baby gear that I found the most helpful.

*Changing Table and diaper pail: I know alot of people told me to just do diaper changes on the bed or the floor and to use a regular garbage can. I'm so glad I didn't listen to this. The changing table puts baby right up to your level making diaper changes fast and easy. Not to mention it's easier on your back as well. I also ended up getting a diaper genie and it really does hold the smell back!
*Moby Wrap: This really saved me alot of frustrations. Early on your baby needs you 24-7 and it's hard to get anything done while cradling a sweet baby in your arms. So I ended up getting the Moby Wrap and my life was never the same again! days stuck on the sofa holding a fussy baby turned into days walking around getting things done with a very content and calm baby up against my chest. I absolutely LOVED the closeness it provided as well. You can also find easy instructions on how to make your own. No need to dish out tons of money for one!
*Bottle Warmer: I ended up having to supplement my baby and this little gem came in really handy. I suggest one that has settings that the warmer remembers. So the next time you don't have to put in all the settings, just push a button and go!
*Baby Swing: This is a life saver! I can't think of anything better! I really recommend investing in a good cradle swing. These will last you a very long time. I have the Bright Starts Swing. It runs on batteries and it keeps it momentum going using magnets. I've used mine now for 11 months and have only changed the batteries (4 D's) once! It's also VERY silent! I have an upright swing. It is loud and baby cannot get comfy in it. Swing

What have you found most helpful?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Early on it's important for both you and baby to get your rest. Later on people have difficulty getting their little one to sleep at night. I think the best thing to do here is start off early. As soon as you bring your little one home you should try letting your baby learn to sleep in his or her bed at least once a day. Increase it as they get older and try to let them fall asleep on their own. This will help alleviate most sleep problems that mothers run into around 3-6 months.
If your baby is already past 3-6 months and he/she will not go to sleep at bed time there are a few things you can do help. There are many "no cry" sleep solutions out there and many many books. Most books have the same information on this topic, so you pick on that you are comfortable with and find easy to read. It is likely that at this point your baby is used to you helping them fall asleep, so it may be tricky to teach a new habit to your baby at this point. It's not impossible though. The most important thing to do with your baby to help them sleep is a bed-time routine that consists of at least 3-5 steps. You should do these 3-5 steps every night at the same time. The most common bed-time routine steps are: bath time, read a book, light massage, and feeding. Your baby will pick up on the routine pretty quickly and will realize that it's time for sleep and not play. It is also a good idea to keep things quiet and low-key about an hour before bedtime so your little one can unwind. Excessive play at this time might just give your baby a "second wind" or burst of energy making it harder for them to go to sleep.

At times it might seem impossible and endless, but do know that eventually all babies do learn to fall asleep on their own in time. Good luck to all the sleepless mothers out there!

Monday, November 15, 2010

How to help a crying baby!

Nothing is more frustrating than hearing your baby cry and not knowing what to do. If your baby is crying first thing you need to do is take a deep breath and take a step back and assess the situation. Babies can cry for many different reasons. Crying is the only form of communication that have with you right now. Try these steps to try and calm your baby:

*Check the last time your baby ate, your baby might just be hungry again.
*Check your baby's diaper. If it's clean be sure to also check that there is no sign of rash. If there is then treat the rash accordingly.
*Check for fever. The best and most accurate way is with a rectal thermometer. They are made digital now and it's very quick and painless for baby.
*Check to see if your baby might be to hot or to cold. Feel your baby's head. If your baby feels warm, then you might consider taking off a layer of clothing. If your baby skin on his/her arms and legs are cool to the touch, then you might consider adding a layer of clothing.
*Also check that your baby's clothes do not have any irritating tags that may scratch his/her skin.
*Is your baby sleepy? When was his/her last nap? He/She might be sleepy and needs a nice quite place to relax. Sometimes to much noise can also over stimulate a baby and make them fussy.
*Rock your baby. Try fast and slow speeds to see what your baby likes. Sometimes babies prefer more of a swing and twisting motions from your waist rather than traditional rocking.
*Sing to your baby. Sometimes all it takes is your soothing voice to calm your little one. Don't worry about your singing skills. Your baby will not mind!
*Give your baby a warm bath. Sometimes a  nice warm bath will sooth your little one into peace and quite.
*Go for a car ride. There is just something magical with car rides that soothe babies almost immediately. It might only take one trip around the block to do the trick.

If your baby cries for more than 30-60 minutes straight and nothing is working, you should contact your doctor for further guidance. If your doctor gives you the okay to stay home it might eventually be a good idea to put your baby down in a safe place for 10 minutes while you take a much needed break. Don't be afraid to ask friends and family for help.

Bringing your baby home

You just had your precious little baby and now is the momentous event of bringing your little one home. At first things may seem a bit overwhelming, but soon enough you'll have yourself in a routine that will work for everyone. How do you do that? First things first. Your new baby is going to have a pretty demanding feeding schedule. It's best to start there. Work all of your routines around baby's feeding schedule. Your baby is going to be up and eating approximately every 1-2 hours. Don't worry though. This will only last a few weeks and then feedings will spread out a bit. Luckily for you when your newborn is not eating, your newborn will likely be sleeping. Newborns sleep alot and this is good for you. You need to take advantage of your baby's sleep schedule and sleep when your baby sleeps. It's very important that you get your rest and recover properly and this is the best way to do just that. Enlist in some help from your friends and family. Do not feel bad for asking for help. Everyone is going to love being around your newborn so if they offer to help, they REALLY WANT TO! And you should take them up on their offer. Your first few weeks home will be very stressful, but do realize that it gets much easier. Around 3 months of age your baby will be in a routine that better fits your "normal" lifestyle and things will start to work like a well oiled machine! So hang in there and congrats to all mothers out there!


Welcome to "All Things Baby"!

Here we will discuss any and all topics that have to do with babies. Who can get enough babies anyways right? We will cover things from diet, building self esteem, doctor visits, and much more! We will also review products and let you know what's a good buy, what  you need, and what you can do without. Check back often for great advice and information on babies!